Release all Ghosts & Get Urn for
How the Mod works:
The Release all Ghosts & Get Urn for Interactions are available via Urns/Tombstones (the ones from dead Sims/Pets) or via Mailboxes (Shift Click/Testingcheats need to be enabled).
Release all Ghosts
Choose the Ghosts you want to release in the Release all Ghosts Simpicker Menu. Since you cannot choose unlimited Ghosts to spawn, I changed the maximal chooseable Ghosts to 5. The Ghosts need to be NPCs and not on the Lot, or spawned in the Neighborhood. Some specific Ghosts that are immune to culling are not chooseable (e.g. Edith & Alice Basu).
The picked Ghosts will get a hidden Trait, and will get summoned in the Neighborhood. The hidden Trait has a Buff with a autonomy push so they do the "Death Netherworld" Interaction soon after spawning. Ghosts now can transfer their Inventory, so it can happen that you get a Notification, where you need to choose if the Inventory gets deleted or transferred to the former Household. Like with every other Death Interaction some Buttons like Build Buy, Gallery etc are locked for a few seconds.
I recommend to use this only for NPC Ghosts you don't care about, the new Release to Netherworld Interaction will now remove them from the Family Tree! This Part will not work in Game Versions that are older than 1.110.265!
Get Urn for
Choose the Ghost you want the Urn for in the Get Urn for Simpicker Menu. This will add an Urn inside your Sims Inventory, which stores the Ghost Sim/Pet. This is helpful if a Sim dies off Lot, which usually does not generate a Urn.
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