More Holiday Icons
Added around a lot of Icons to the Calendar Holiday Icons
There are three Version, where you can choose one:
A main Version includes around 100 Icons. This should work best without any huge lag, when opening the Icon Menu.
A 2000+ Version includes over 2000 Icons, but it will cause a lag when you open the Icon Menu. Be aware of that!
A Religious Holiday Icons (by FrkTrunte on Mod the Sims) Compatible Version. For the Religious Holiday Icons (by FrkTrunte on Mod the Sims) Compatible Version you need to install the
“ReligiousSims_ReligiousHolydayIcons_CompatabilityFix.package" within the “” downloadable here!
Optional Addons for each Version:
These Addons are for users who don't have all the DLCs installed, and which prevents them from getting blank Icons in the Icon Menu.
Download via CurseForge
Download via Google Drive
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